Monday, July 6, 2015

Deep dreams to Magic mushrooms for REAL !!!

This article intends to explain some of the cool stuff going on in the artificial intelligence community that has recently led to a flurry of psychedelic images all over the internet, courtesy Google Inc. Before reading this article, please enjoy some of the images yourself by searching for #deepdream or #deepdreaming on or just on It would also be nice to read up the material here, for a preliminary understanding of the “basic intuition” that might not be that basic after all :) As I said the material might not be that basic after all, that is why you need to continue reading this blog. However, if you think that the google blog was enough jump to the “what next” section and buckle up for a thrilling deep ride into the future of hallucinating realities.

Who should really be praised?

First thing first, all the news articles can certainly make you feel that Google has done it on it’s own and that this entire idea of deep dream came from Google only, WRONG. The idea came about from a long list of research papers and efforts made to visualize the affect of applying a deep neural network on an image (for now let’s just assume that a deep neural network is a black-box that takes in an image and tell you which objects are present in the image). More recently, a better way of visualizing the affects was formulated, developed and demonstrated by the researchers at Oxford University led by Dr. Andrei Vedaldi in a series of papers [1], [2]. Google like any other IT giant enjoys more media attention than the researchers who actually develop the idea, but half-points to Google for making the code public that can generate the hallucinations. I would have given three-quarters of points had Google made a web-server for people to generate their own dream images by simply uploading images.

Deep-dreaming for dummies

Real understanding comes from doing, therefore, if you are not actually performing this experiment you are not doing justice to your time that you put in reading up all the material. Look outside, see those clouds? Now, start sifting through the list of common objects that you usually come about, dog, cow, sofa, tree, cat, cartoon characters etc. and while you are going through this train of different objects try to find a similar shaped cloud that might look like the object you were thinking. Once you have found an object that looks like one of the clouds start focussing on that cloud with that object in mind. You will start seeing finer details in the cloud that will progressively make the cloud look more akin to the object. In a couple of minutes, you will feel like calling someone and sharing this awesome cloud that looks like an object with striking similarity, but to your dismay the person next to you might not see it immediately although it is right there !!!! Take a minute and point out different parts of the object in the cloud and you have a partner in the crime of imagination. What happened? How come an object appeared that looks so real in the clouds? Well actually, it did not. Your brain simply tricked you in finding that object in the cloud because you were pressing it really hard to find something. This phenomenon is called priming and it plays a huge role in shaping our behavior and mentality to an extent that even a minute change can alter our behavior drastically. More about priming and it’s socio-political effects later, for now let’s concentrate on deep dreaming.

Just like you could find objects in the clouds or shadows, a deep neural network (referred as DNN from here on) finds objects in images but, unlike you, the eyes of DNNs are not very sharp, they are somewhat out-of-focus that makes the images blurry and vague as a DNN looks at them. As a result, a nice-looking image of a mountain looks like a cloud to the DNN. A cloud in which it finds a hint of an object, say a building. Let us now add the final piece to the dreaming - the ability to reshape the clouds to find the object that DNN is looking for, much like us, playing on a beach and creating objects on the canvas of sand at our will. Remember, how we do that? We start with some lines, curves, dots and primitive shapes, like square, triangle, circle etc. and incrementally keep adding them, specific to the object in search, until we are satisfied with our creation. Exactly, the same thing a DNN does with the given image. At first look, it thinks that there is a particular object in the input image and subsequently it keeps on altering the image that keeps increasing its belief that the image contains the object till it is satisfied with its creation. How come then these images look so weird and why don’t I see any object in the image that a stupid DNN can see? The answer lies in the question - a DNN is stupid, therefore, its criteria for calling a cat, a cat is stupid as well. Just like for an amateur artist a brown trunk with a green blob makes up a tree, black eyes with furry blobs makes up a cat for a DNN. So you see, it’s all relative, just like a trained artist thinks of your tree drawing as a hallucination, you consider the drawing of the DNN hallucination as well. It is this lack of the expressiveness that gives rise to the feeling of hallucination at different levels.

What next? Magic shroom trips !!!

Hopefully by now you have a fair intuitive grasp on how the deep dreams are created. It is time to extend it to videos by training a DNN for video classification using not only the image frames but also the temporal information in the videos. Once, we have such a network we can use a similar pipeline to create hallucinating video sequences from an input video, by using a spatio-temporal prior for reconstruction. Next, thrown in the Oculus virtual reality videos as the input to the hallucinator and we have a working copy of 3D hallucination that can be plugged and played in an Oculus VR head-gear. Those who have seen the power of Oculus VR head-gear would know it’s effect and the the reality of the virtual world it can create. I think it will be a very potent hallucination experience in a virtual world much like a shroom trip without the harmful effects. All in all, exciting days are ahead in the reals of Artificial Intelligence and opposite to the much hyped fear propaganda against AI, it is going to usher into your life through the door so better start educating yourself with it for a warm welcome.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Half life Beggar

The lean and emaciated figure rose from the chair with trembling feet. A distant and echoing sound comes ‘Do you want to do it…… A futile movement of hand showing ‘I am gone crazy’ but he is still standing, the feet still trembling. Few seconds passed in complete silence if 2000 watts inspire is considered to be silent. Jaws clenched and relaxed. The last iota of light left his sight though the eyes are open, as if the tube light is emanating darkness. Death of silence and birth of the rhythmic sound of a scared and liberated heart Go……..No……….Go……………No………………………………………………………Go……. and finally ‘No’ died. Hand moved second time, the latchet fell with a little jingle. Cold handle inspired few hairs to stand up and spine to shiver. Neither the hairs stood nor the spine obeyed the order of coldness, is it what people call numbness??????????? He did not know. The corridor darkness was visible to him, he could see now. Surprisingly he turned back to look into his room…. Lo!!! Darkness again. Maktub

Earlier today he is alive standing at century gate looking at his cell phone for confirmation of time sixth time in past 1 minute. The hour and minute hands are about to meet to declare the most unlucky day of boys life that is 10 December. Patience gave up, fingers fiddled with cellphone keypad.

The boy: where are you?

The voice(feminine full of happiness and volume): still five minutes left.

The boy: I don’t think I will be getting that in time.

The voice: ya, if we talk while I am driving at 100 sure you will not get it not even after time.

The boy: oh ok ok

He is happy really happy and touched, moved deeply by the gift of destiny just like saddam hussain would be if he made president of USA. Anybody would be if a girl having physical structure as those girls acting in movies is coming to wish your birthday with a gift that no male can wait long for. He was deeply excited about it as shown by a small bulge in the objectionable area.

Whoooooooshhh!!!!!!!!!!!! a shining black car appeared at his side from no where. Back door opened as soon as it stopped and the boy jumped into it speaking “fast only 3 minutes left”.

“Hold on here we go”. And he felt a great force pushing him deep into the back seat. The road was empty and speed was lightning so it took only 66 seconds to reach SOLANI CANAL. Car stopped with a jerk both of them jumped off the car and descended few steps to reach to the bottom step which was half drowned in icy chilled water. This time each and every hair of their body rose to salute the chill and both shiver in pain produced by stinging effect of icy water perhaps this is what people call life. The boy looked at her in the half lit moonlight. The face was spotless and smoothness was reflected by its resplendence. Soft was it cause hands disobeyed the master and continued touching the cheeks passionately. Dark black eyes were innocent and virgin because they were fighting with all their mirth to keep matching the boy’s sight. A wispy stroke of kajal gave them a boundary otherwise they were threatening the boy to drown him into them. The boy quaffed the rich and pristine aroma of Sandal mixed with the fog which made it heavy and persistent. The bulge increased a bit and to make it less visible to her he stepped closer towards her she retaliated by looking down into her feet. The boy followed her sight and looked at her feet. The feet were drowned in water up to ankle height. The flowing water was making them move slightly and the light resplendent silvery payal was like a garland on a marble pillar. The tension rose as his body touched her, the aroma engulfed him completely, coldness was absent he transcended into numbness.

Beep beep beep alarm sounded

“Happy birthday” she whispered, her enticing and chiseled lips moved close to boy’s and touched them softly accompanied with an exchange of warm breaths. The boy was in some other land far ahead of numbness and trance, it was something different. He pulled her by her waist and she let her fall on his hands completely, they drunk love. For almost two minutes they quaffed the essence of love and slowly the girl slid herself in his embrace and held him tightly. I fulfilled my promise to you that you will get your gift in time. Yes you did thanks a lot.

Girl let her out of his embrace and said: "Hurry I have your cake in the car lets go and have it". "Yes sure" boy said and pulled her back to him and once again they lost in the mist, transferred to some other world.

Am I dead or alive